Acne-Prone Skin: Products that can work wonders

Acne-Prone Skin: Products that can work wonders

Acne, pimples, and breakouts. These are fairly common terms in the world of skin concerns. Acne-prone skincare is one of the most sought-after skincare categories, simply because acne affects people of almost all ages across the world. These breakouts can be caused by various factors.

However, acne-prone skincare isn’t about picking random creams, serums, and gels to get rid of blemishes and scars. It requires an intensive study of the problem and its causes for you to opt for the correct treatment.

Are you dealing with stubborn acne issues? If yes, here's a list of products that are must-haves for a good acne-prone skincare regime.

What is Acne?


Acne with skin damage


Your skin consists of sebaceous glands connected with hair follicles that produce an oily secretion known as sebum. When skin cell buildup and excess dirt clog the pores, the sebum cannot escape through the follicles.

This causes the accumulation of excess oil, which gets blocked by dead skin cells. This leads to the formation of small, painful bumps on the skin which may or may not form pimples later on. This condition is known as acne.

What causes Acne and Breakouts?  


causes of acne

Acne issues come into being owing to the production of excess oils and the clogging of pores. This can happen for a multitude of reasons, such as:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Specific medications
  • Use of excessive oily products on the skin
  • stress and anxiety
  • Improper diet

Certain fabrics, pollution, and genetic disorders are also considered primary reasons for the occurrence of acne and breakouts. In some cases, it can also be caused by allergic reactions.

What are the different forms of acne?


types of acne


While a lot of people may not be acquainted with this, acne is an umbrella term for multiple skin issues. Clogged pores can result in different types of acne.

  • Whiteheads
    You might have noticed tiny white bumps around your nose. These bumps are called whiteheads and are caused by the clogging of pores by excess oil and dead skin cells.
  • Blackheads
    Blackheads are black spots that look similar to whiteheads. These are caused due to the oxidization of the material that clogs the pore. When the substance comes in touch with air, it oxidizes and forms black bumps on the skin.
  • Pimples
    When the pores of your skin get blocked with bacteria, excessive oil, and dead skin, red bumpy spots are formed. This leads to inflammation, thereby causing pimples.
  • Cysts
    Cysts are hard and painful bumps that form beneath the skin's surface. These are produced when the gunk and bacteria penetrate deeper into the skin.
  • Fungal acne
    Fungal acne is an itchy or inflamed breakout that is caused by excessive yeast in the hair follicles.

How can you treat acne problems?

Now that you are acquainted with the different types of acne, it would be easier to figure out your acne problem. But, what can you do post that?

Well, there are some simple measures that you can introduce in your skincare regime. These measures will help you tackle acne problems one step at a time. Let’s dive in and know more.

  1. Say no to harsh cleansers
    Mild cleansing is the way to go when adopting an acne-prone skincare routine. Harsh cleansers tend to irritate the skin, thereby making it more sensitive.
  2. Toners and astringents
    Using toners and astringents is a great way to treat acne. Such products facilitate the removal of excess oil and hydrate the skin, thereby giving acne a tough fight.
  3. Routine expert consultation
    Consulting dermatologists regularly is one of the easiest and safest ways to treat acne. With expert supervision, you can apply medication that can help reduce your acne problems.
  4. Sun protection
    The importance of sun protection cannot be emphasised enough. A lot of acne-related treatments make your skin prone to sun damage. Thus, to tackle that, incorporate a good sunscreen in your skincare routine.
  5. Keeping your diet in check
    Keeping your diet in check is also an effective way of treating acne. Fast food and sugary items can make your skin more susceptible to acne problems.  

What ingredients are good for acne-prone skin?


Girl applying cream on skin


The right products can help treat acne

Simple steps like the ones discussed above are a great way of incorporating lifestyle changes. These can help achieve healthier skin while promoting a good lifestyle.

Besides this, putting together the correct skincare routine for acne-prone skin is essential. This is because the application of the wrong products can aggravate such issues, thereby worsening acne.

From now on, when you are out on a skincare shopping spree, make sure you check out the products for these ingredients.

  1. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is an ideal ingredient for acne-prone skin. It is a BHA that is most commonly used to unclog pores and reduce inflammation. Needless to say, it is a popular addition to facewashes and serums.

For starters, you can try out the salicylic acid serum from DermDoc for treating acne.

  1. Niacinamide

Niacinamide is yet another great ingredient for acne-prone skin. Incorporating it into your skincare regime can help reduce acne marks, protect the skin from toxins, and prevent breakouts.

If you are looking for a good product with Niacinamide, you can check out the DermDoc niacinamide serum.

  1. Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide helps in treating acne by removing the acne-causing bacteria under the skin. This ingredient also facilitates the shedding of dead skin cells. Also, it helps clear out dark spots and blemishes.

There are a lot of skincare products available in the market that use benzoyl peroxide. DermDoc’s range of skincare with actives has some great products for you to explore.


Incorporate what works best for you

girl washing face

While the market might be flooded with products of various sorts, it is essential to choose the product that works for your skin type and its needs. Consult an expert and delve deeper into your skin problems. You can also incorporate lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of acne issues.

Besides that, reading informative blogs can be a great way to learn about the science underlying skincare. After all, anything and everything you put on your skin should be reliably produced.

DermDoc’s wide range of products has something for every acne-related issue. The brand also addresses pertinent factors such as efficiency, medical expertise, and affordability to present a power-packed range of skincare products.

Check out DermDoc for skincare products that could be the perfect match for you!   

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